The crisis of media and journalism and its effects in our society by Miguel Paz
- Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Informal Luncheon
Wednesday June 19, 2019
12:30- 2:00PM
Hogan Lovells
390 Madison Avenue
NEW YORK, NY 10017
Miguel Paz is a native of Chile, he is the founder of the data journalism website Poderopedia, created through a 2011 Knight News Challenge grant. The site keeps track of who’s who in business and politics in Chile, Colombia and Venezuela, provides open-source software and advises newsrooms and civic organizations.
In its portfolio of projects and partnerships, it includes the IberoAmerican Data Journalism Handbook, the Map of Media and Media Ownership of Chile and Colombia, the development of NarcoData (Animal Político, México), Justiciapedia (Chequeado, Argentina), Candidatos Ruta Electoral (La Prensa, Panamá), EnData (El Nuevo Día, Puerto Rico), Compras Transparentes (Zoohash/Poderopedia), and several other projects, including dozens of trainings and workshops for journalists, all over Latin America.
Paz is also president of Poderomedia Foundation, which promotes the use of new technologies to rethink journalism, the creator of the Hacks/Hackers chapter in Santiago, a Nieman Berkman Fellow ´15, a Knight ICFJ Fellow 13´and is part of the board of Global Voices.
He has 18 years of experience as a reporter and editor. He was deputy director of ElMostrador.cl, Chile’s first digital-only news organization; deputy editor of La Nación Domingo; co-founder of El Periodista magazine and co-creator of Caras EGO. He has been a contributor to Caras Magazine, The Clinic, El Dínamo (Chile); Perfil.com, Noticias Magazine (Argentina); Nieman Lab, IJNET, and Media Shift (US).
His work appears in three books published in Chile and has been awarded two times in the chilean Journalism Award for Excellence. Since 2005, he has taught graduate and undergraduate journalism students at four Chilean universities and has been a visiting professor at two universities in Colombia.